A Mimi’s Heart

The holidays are a time of joy and wonder.

I love to see my grandchildren laughing and playing over winter break.

No school for us means shenanigans at Mimi’s house. We have playdough made with peppermint oil. We play with Barbies which are decades old. We watch movies and eat popcorn and drink chocolate milk. We sit in our pj’s and brush each other’s hair.

Being their Mimi is everything I dreamed it would be and more. I love these babies. Being a grandparent has meant a whole new level of wonder and worry. There are a lot of things I don’t have to do. Likewise, there are things I am responsible for.

Some of the things I want these children to learn have very little to do with school. They have more to do with being a decent human. I want them to know what respect, honor, love, and loyalty mean. They need to learn manners, compassion, and empathy. They need to be introduced to the concepts of family, healthy relationships, boundaries, and bullying.

Their parents are teaching them so well and as a grandparent, it’s my job to reinforce and support.

It is also my job to have special relationships with each of them. They have wonderful personalities and amazing abilities. I love having them over together, in mixed groups or one on one. This is what makes Christmas Break so much fun. I can set up a rotating schedule and switch kids each day or every other day. I can spoil them within reason and make sure they know their Mimi is always going to be in their corner, loving them no matter what.

Being a grandparent has its rewards and they are tremendous. I am sure there are others who feel the same way. I love being a Mimi. It fills my heart in ways I never could have imagined before. Do you remember when you first laid eyes on your firstborn? Imagine that feeling, times infinity! I am so serious. I was not prepared for the sheer joy of having a grandchild. At this point, we have six granddaughters.

Six giggle boxes with attitudes and hilarious antics. Six place settings, six swimsuits and six sets of little hands and feet ready to dive into this life with no fear. Once again there are coloring books all over the place. There is a full kids’ bookshelf and a daybed with a trundle in the spare bedroom. There are tiny extra panties, socks, and pajamas in the dresser. I have some spare diapers, baby toys and a big blanket for the floor. Our DVR is full of Disney movies. Our tree has two swings again. Our camper has a kids’ bag.

Empty nesting has not been what I perceived it to be when we first started this journey. It is everything and more. With grown children and grandchildren, each day brings new surprises. While there are days I miss when my kids were younger and at home, I wouldn’t trade this phase of my life for anything.

Everything you are doing for your family is worth it.

Keep pressing on, parents. Keep moving forward grandparents. Your influence matters! Your support matters! Your love and adoration of your people make all the difference in the world.


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