Category: Jesus

Gratitude as a Gift

Gratitude.  By definition, it is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness” By heart, it is something that can make you soar with joy, and as quickly throw you into the depths …

The Santa Lie…and that other guy.

When I was young, I believed in Santa. Not in the way that most kids did. I new there was a story behind the big fat elf, and I knew the various versions of it all led back …

Be the Christ in Christmas

Keeping the Christ in Christmas is not the only important thing to remember this holiday season. Gasp. I really just said that. For Christians everywhere, it tends to get frustrating to see our traditional celebrations cut down or …

Christian Mean Girls

We have all seen it happen. Maybe we have been on the receiving end of it, maybe we were the perpetrator. That moment when a “good Christian woman” turns into a mean girl. It happens to everyone in …

It Can Be Well, With Your Soul

    “It is well, With my soul It is well, it is well with my soul When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to …

Public or Private?

  With recent events in my life unfolding I have taken a step back to really evaluate myself and what people see in me. I have to admit, I have my flaws. I can only be responsible for …

They cannot hear you if their stomachs are growling…

In Matthew 25:31-46, we are given the final judgment. In Matthew 28:16-20, we are given the Great Commission. “Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they …

The Flying Geese

    I was driving towards home one day, when the sun was low in the sky, setting it all on fire with beautiful colors of pink, red, purple and blue. I was mezmerized by the beauty before …

There Was That One Weekend….

  I don’t even know how to express the importance of Women’s Christian Community . I don’t know how to paint a picture of it either. Then there was that one weekend…. My heart was pounding with excitement, …

Easter Chance

The Easter eggs are all stuffed, sorted and bagged. Dinner is planned, a grocery list is prepared. Now it is time for me to sit back and pray for the days ahead. Easter is not an easy holiday …