Category: Faith

Being Brave

This is the year I become brave. This is also the year I work on being more intentional, present, and honest with myself. Let’s face it, being human limits us in ways we do not want to be …

Begin to Love Your Neighbor

I watch them walk every morning. They put on their reflective jackets and get outside, usually before the sun is up. On occasion, they stop, and we chat if I am out there. Normally they do their thing …

The Most Important Words

The choice to live on a farm in the middle of a cornfield seemed overwhelming at first. I was worried about my children being “separated” from the small-town life they were accustomed to. There weren’t any sidewalks for …

Encouragement to be More Than “OK”

How easy it is to deceive others with a fake smile and an off-hand laugh. How easy it is to make people believe what they want to believe- that you are alright and your world is stable and …