Category: Getting Personal

The Hike

There is a lot to be said for people who spend countless hours outdoors. There is more to be said for those who hike for days on end over terrain I only want to see in pictures and …

Refrigerator Status

As a young adult I liked to hang things on my fridge. Important papers, artwork from the kids but especially photos that were important to me. The selfies of myself and a close friend I used as a …

It Starts with a Morning Routine

Do you have a morning routine? I mean a real, day inspiring routine filled with habits that move you forward. My routine is simple. I get dressed and head downstairs for coffee, supplements and writing in my journal. …

Fact -vs-Faith

In a world where nothing makes sense, yet we are expected to make decisions in a flash, where do our tendencies seem to lean? Do we make decisions based on Facts or Faith? Where is the middle? So, …

Fighting Anxiety & People

The week was weird. I mean, I was feeling overpeopled. And those people who sent me to this place did not respect the boundary I had set and were not hearing my words when I spoke. Ever meet …

Where I Stand

It seems everywhere we turn, someone wants to know where we stand. Rich Mullins wrote a song called “If I Stand“, and for me it conveys where I stand perfectly. Sometimes, it can be unnerving to explain your …

Self Care & Jesus

Are you tired, friend? I’m tired. I’m tired of politics. I’m tired of watching human beings tear one another apart. I’m tired of people being unsupportive of one another at work. I’m tired of worrying about church people. …

Christmas Joy and a New Year

Christmas Joy. What does it mean to you? For me, Christmas Joy is focused on gifts, but maybe not in a traditional sense. I am a person who takes very seriously the choosing and giving of gifts. I …

The Truth About My 43rd Year.

**Every writer and reader I know is cringing about now. Sometimes, this is how I write. Word vomit, spilling out on the page in a rush of emotion and heartache. Confusion and uncertainty swirl in my head as …

Encouragement to be More Than “OK”

How easy it is to deceive others with a fake smile and an off-hand laugh. How easy it is to make people believe what they want to believe- that you are alright and your world is stable and …