Category: Relationships

Fathers Day 2017- Another First

Father’s day is such a bittersweet day this year. It’s going to be another “first” without my sweet daddy. I know in heaven he is receiving the greatest gifts. No more pain. Jesus. Grandpa and grandma. My unborn …

Unexpected Adult Things: Jesus was Bullied, too

In his adult life, Jesus was consistently and sometimes ruthlessly bullied. He was not only accused of being a liar but an enemy of the current government. He was pushed around. Men of stature used their position to …

Unexpected Adult Things: How Did I Become the Aggressor?

Occasionally in moments of despair, we don’t know what to do with our emotion. There can be times when everything feels so out of control, we will do strange things to feel normal or in control. This is …

Unexpected Adult Things: The Time I Surprised Even Myself

When I got married and we started having kids, I was careful to assess regularly how my children treated others. I wanted to make sure we didn’t raise any bullies. I wanted to make sure my children never …

Unexpected Adult Things: The Adult Aggressor

It occurs to me there are some things we never outgrow from our childhood. For some, it is the reaction we have to others. Our insecurities never completely go away. We are sometimes surprised by the natural responses …

The Dirty Grief Inside Me

Good Grief, Charlie Brown. Boy, Lucy was not kidding. Grief is the weirdest most constricting feeling I have ever experienced. I already had no idea what the future held for me, and once grief entered the picture, everything …

These Hands

  This hand holding onto mine. It has held onto mine in many cases, under many circumstances. These hands. The pair of them has held up my own when I was too weak to do it myself.  They …

Books of 2017: Present Over Perfect

  We find as we get older it is as hard as when we were in high school. Women are judgmental creatures, and we don’t do a lot of changing for one another. When we need something, it …

The Dirt that Lies Beneath: Installment 2

The Real Dirt The truth is I feel like a failure most days as a parent. Now, before you go saying a bunch of positive things you don’t mean, let me explain. Information has been kept from me. …

Sometimes the dirt wears on you and it hurts.

  In this weird place I have been thrown in my life, the dirt is coarse and harshly abrasive. My emotions continually get the best of me. Things I have no control over seem to pile up. I …