God Always has a Plan

God always has a plan.

Even when we don’t see it or recognize it right away. There is always a reason for all the things that happen in our lives. Always.

In January of 2022, the grandbabies had a birthday party at a trampoline park. Being the Mimi I am, I fully participated, jumping from trampoline to trampoline. I mostly helped chase the wild three-year-old around, but I did solidly jump for a bit with the older girls. It was a Saturday and a fun time.

The following week my knee and leg were so swollen I wanted to cut off my jeans. After months of advocating to my doctor and several x-rays and an MRI, my problem was diagnosed as a meniscus tear, sometime in early May.

For almost 4 months I walked around on an injury that likely was aggravated by the stairs I climb at work and the lifestyle I lead- busy and on my feet. I visited an ortho doc and it was determined I needed surgery. I cried as we listened to his words and as I left his office.

This was going to ruin everything.

We had a major trip planned- driving across country from Ohio to Wyoming- Yellowstone. We have a big wedding anniversary this year- 30 years. So, this trip was packed full of meaning and anticipation for both of us. The idea of not going was devastating to me in a very real, personal way.

Plus, lets be real- the last two years haven’t been anything to write home about. I mean, being an educator during a normal year is becoming bad enough, but during pandemic years? It has just been a bit much. Suffice it to say I was feeling down about the whole mess.

When I called to schedule surgery, there weren’t openings until after May 31. I made a brave (or questionable?!) decision to go on vacation first, then have the surgery after. This was not a decision I dwelt on. I just did it. It was something that popped into my head as a viable option, and I called the hubs to let him know my plan. He agreed, so we adjusted.

Originally, we were supposed to leave June 10 for vacation, arriving at Yellowstone June 13.

Instead, we left on the 4th and arrived on the 9th. We made multiple stops before arriving, because there is a lot to see between Ohio and Wyoming!

We were slightly concerned because there were some significant snowfalls in the park the week before our arrival and some roads hadn’t been opened yet. Once we did drive in, we were ecstatic to find everything was open. Roads, lodges, and wildlife were in full Spring mode. It was amazing.

No words can describe how in awe we felt connecting with our creator in such a place. No pictures can fully tell the story of amazement. But we sure did try.

On June 12, we had to decide our route to head home. Originally, we planned to drive from the cabin (which was nestled in between the South entrance to Yellowstone and the North entrance to Teton National Park), and head north all the way to the North entrance to Yellowstone, through Gardiner, Montana and across the northern route. But we missed a few things in Rapid city and realized we could go South and instead of staying a second night in this space, we could head to the Crazy Horse monument and other things we had missed.

It was starting to rain when we left that morning and we decided it would be better to drive away from the coming storms rather than through them.

We had no idea what was about to happen.

Late in the afternoon while heading to a hotel for the night, I received a notification on social media from my daughter. It was the Yellowstone page. It was both shocking and surreal.

The very roads we traveled the day before and had planned to travel that day were washed away. People’s houses were gone and between the snowmelt and the rain storms, the entire park was closed and evacuated in a matter of three days. Flooding and significant infrastructure damage were widespread.

We drove in stunned silence and once we arrived at our destination, we started looking for information. The whole park was a mess.  Stories, pictures, and videos were pouring onto the internet. Hard decisions were being made.

It was almost unbelievable.

We recognize we serve a big God.

He is in control, regardless of circumstances. For the remainder of our trip, we avoided and outran or came behind huge storms which caused a lot of damage. We managed to avoid any and all situations which could have caused us harm. We marked things off our bucket lists that most people will never have the opportunity to do.

We realized we were two of a handful of people who last drove roads that are now washed away forever, and who spent time in a part of creation which will never be the same.

We realized all those months ago, a single Saturday afternoon birthday party would change the course of our vacation and the timing of our departure and arrival, saving us from major snowstorms and torrential devastating rainfall.

We realized how grateful and humbled we are by the power of a God who always has our best interest in mind, always has us in His hands and always has a plan.

Now, I know some people will say “You got lucky”.

I’m here to tell you, there is no such thing as luck.

And I wouldn’t trade knowing for certain God always has a plan for anything else in this world. Because I know it to be truth.

I hope you enjoy the pictures and I hope we are able to convey the masterpiece this earth is.

This is how The Creator of the Universe speaks to us, through creation.


East Entrance near Cody, Wyoming 6-9-2022
View from main park road
First Bison sighting
Wildlife Jam 45 minutes
Hiking Husband
Chromatic Pool (At Old Fatihful Geyser boardwalk)
Bison on Old Faithful 6-11-22

*More photos coming in future posts.

One Comment on “God Always has a Plan

  1. First time to visit and read your page. Your an amazing writer. Love you 💕