When we are faced with mortality, sometimes we don’t look at the big picture.
God has a plan, first and foremost.
Death is a part of life.
Death does not have to be eternal.
If you are a believer and you understand this, then you have already won. But what if you are a new believer? Or not a believer at all? What if you run into or spend time with someone who doesn’t believe the same way as you?
How do we heal when other people aren’t on the same page or in the same place as us?

It is not simple, and just like everything else, its different for each of us. I went through various cycles of healing. At first, I needed to be around my family. Then I needed to be alone. Then I needed a friend who would just be quiet- not offer advice or even condolences- just sit with me while I wrestled with all my emotion and sorted out my grief.
After this I re-cycled. The next time I wanted nothing to do with family at all. I simply couldn’t support them the way I thought I should. I also wasn’t getting what I needed from being around them. It was not a healthy way to heal. I also realized people were tired of waiting for me to get back to whatever normal expectation they had of me.
Some thought that because I returned to work, my other normal things would fall into place. In reality, I was only returning to work out of obligation to my dad. There was a level of healing I found when I was there that I cannot explain.
There were a few expectations of me coming from people who had never experienced this type of loss before. I was really struggling, thinking I had to explain myself. The truth was, they would eventually find out what I was going through and I became acutely aware of how hard it was going to be on them.
I encountered many people who, though they claim to be faithful, never told me or reassured me that God has a plan.
There was not a lot of mention of his goodness, kindness and faithfulness to me in my grief.
Did you know God is good, faithful, and kind?
He is not only wrathful and just- he is loving and empathetic when we hurt. He wants us to be healed from life’s battles.
So to look at the big picture, we have to consider all the things we need, the people around us, our other life circumstances and our ability to cope. We must also consider God’s love is an infinite depth, and we can turn to him at any point and ask for help with our broken heart.
We can heal in our own time, in our own way. All we need to do is trust God has a plan for us.