I Must Become Less

John 3:30
He must become greater, I must become less.


The words stung a little as I read them. I couldn’t believe this was the verse of the day. I’d heard it at least a dozen times in the past week, and quite frankly, I got the message loud and clear. Did I mention I wasn’t exactly thrilled?


Sometimes when I pray, I get exactly what I ask for. Getting what I asked for is not always a comfortable moment. It forces you to be accountable to yourself, through the Holy Spirit, and it can be eye opening. The moment I reach my “breaking point”  and I actually reach for Jesus,  because I know I am not enough. Not that I don’t think I can do things on my own. Oh, I really do try. Independence is a huge hurdle for me- I was raised to think on my own, make decisions and live with my own consequences. I was also taught to lean into the father, not some of the time, but all of the time.


Leaning in has great personal reward. It means stepping out on faith. I have left my comfort zone many times, and I have adjusted to living uncomfortably on occasion Turning things over to God and letting go of your control sounds great, but making it happen…whew. Exhausting at best. I have never had a problem once I actually let things go, but getting there is always a crazy journey. I know God has a plan, and in his plan is infinite timing that I do not understand. It’s ok, because I am not meant to.


When I decide to allow myself to be less, and allow Christ to be more, I can do everything he has planned for me. I choose to ask for this blessing, and I choose to accept it as it is given. I find myself alone once in awhile, and that is ok. I find myself spending more time with my heavenly father, more time tuning into the Holy Spirit. My comfort level grows as I flourish with these relationships, and I start to feel whole again.
I challenge you to pray for those difficult things in your life. Allow God to change your perspective, ultimately changing your life in ways you could only dream of on your own. Let go of some things, and find redemption in him.

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