It Can Be Well, With Your Soul



“It is well, With my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul.”
-Horatio G. Spafford



Things aren’t always well with our souls. We feel burdened as parents, spouses, children and friends. We feel the crunch of making decisions that can effect only ourselves, or ripple out and effect countless others. Our choices have consequences whether seen now or sometime in the future. But our souls…Oh our souls.

When our children grow into adults, a little piece of our soul that became theirs at birth breaks off and goes with them. When our children at home are going through something hard, our soul weeps for their journey. When our spouses feel the crunchy feelings they are bombarded with and emotions are running hard, our souls feel cut and pierced. When we spend all our time working hard and spending countless efforts with a job or event, and it doesn’t go quite the way we expect, it stings our soul. When people crush our spirits by being judgmental, our soul just hurts.

Remembering the lyrics to this song is one way to remind ourselves that our soul belongs to The Creator of The Universe. The Creator. The one and only. He holds our soul in his arms like a newborn baby. Our helpless soul He has filled with wonder, yearning and emotion. He takes it to the highest places and holds it during the lowest lows. Our soul is our life after life- it is the very center of our being.  Our entire existence is based on having a soul that is protected by the One who created it.

Having a relationship with The Creator of The Universe continues to nourish our soul and provides us with a peace like no other. When things are seemingly going awry, our inner soul can be just as smooth as silk if we allow Him to cover us with his protective hands. When the world is screaming, we can always turn inward to our Comforter and know that regardless of this current chaos, he is in control of all things.  One thing we forget as humans, our soul needs repaired, fed and polished once in a while. It needs rest, nurturing and quiet too.  When you take the time for “yourself”, take the time to renew the soul within. It is who you are, and it is who you will always be.

In order for things to be “well” with our soul we must make a daily, sometimes hourly, commitment to converse with Him. Some days will just be harder than others- that is a biblical truth. Some days will find us rejoicing and some will find us mourning. Regardless of where we land in between, we must find a way every day to communicate our lives to our Creator, to let Him know where we are, how we feel, what we need and to ask for mercy, grace and forgiveness when we fall short.  He expects nothing from us but what we are capable of, and our commitment to Him and His plan. When our souls yearn for comfort and peace, it is awesome to know our Father has it covered, we need only ask. Pamper your soul during all of the seasons of your life, so that we may all be able to say, “It is well with my soul”.