
My marriage is my number two priority.

My husband and I made our vows to God and one another on Sept 12, 1992. We were babies! All these years later, and I wouldn’t change a thing. We have had our ups and downs, as all relationships do. We work hard to preserve our commitment. We put one another first, second only to God himself.

Marriage is about more than love.

It is 100%/100%.

All the time.

No one comes before my husband. No one comes before his wife. We have done it this way for all our years, and it keeps us sane. We find ways to spend time together which a lot of couples shake their heads about. We do projects. We travel. We are equal opportunity supporters, encouragers, and friends.

It sounds so sappy. I know. But this is how our commitment has worked from the beginning.

I’ve had people close to me tell me they are jealous of our marriage. We are not perfect. Our relationship wouldn’t be whole without the Holy Spirit leading us all the way. It’s that simple.

I have a very sincere message about marriage. Please take the time to read it. I hope you enjoy.

In The Beginning: Marriage Edition