
I Am Weary & This Life Is Why

Journal Entry:

I can write about being weary. I am exhausted. Life has become complicated again. I have more obligations than I know what to do with and the responsibilities are overwhelming. My mom needs more than I can provide for her. I am doing my very best, but it is difficult to fulfill every need. My dad is not replaceable, and I need to figure out my limits so she isn’t disappointed.

I have another empty bedroom to clean. I am trying not to cuss and hold it together (mostly). I have filled more trash bags than I thought I would. I had to vacuum and sweep- twice. I’m not sure when this room was last cleaned. Maybe when my daughter moved out- four years ago? Why are boys so gross? (sorry kiddo)

This sounds so trivial. I know there are real-world problems. This extra bedroom, my mom’s needs, a painting project and the cats who have been dumped here. Do people see a barn and think irrationally “there’s a farm, they want our extra cats”? More mouths to feed and more to clean up after.


Marriage Roadtrip 2018

As we head into summer, it’s appropriate to share a bit about our kick-off vacation. This is the first time we took a vacation as empty-nesters. We have done a mission trip, weekend get-away and trips individually for work or as volunteers. We have never done an actual vacation just the two of us.

It was epic.

Moms and dads- if you have 4-5 days and a sitter-DO NOT WALK to a vacation by yourselves.



Albert Einstein

Helen Keller

Psalm 19:1

Hans C. Anderson

Psalm 139:14