Stephen: His Last Moments
I want to spend a moment talking about Stephen.
I am always blown away when I re-read scripture. How many things I learn. Stephen and his story are so amazing. He was such a humble, yet fierce man. He was not afraid of anything.
The Sanhedrin pushed his buttons trying repeatedly to get him to come undone. They tried to trip him up in his testimony, using his own words against him. He was so much smarter than they were. So much savvier. I know the Holy Spirit was his guide. His words were flawless.
Flawless and true. These men in leadership couldn’t handle Stephen. They couldn’t begin to comprehend all he knew, and how he knew it. They couldn’t argue with his position, his experience, his collected authority of words.
Bible Journaling Journey: Micah 6:8
This is currently my favorite scripture when I need a gentle reminder.
“He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?”
Being Brave
This is the year I become brave.
This is also the year I work on being more intentional, present, and honest with myself. Let’s face it, being human limits us in ways we do not want to be limited. It creates a sense of overwhelming fear we won’t get to do it all, see it all, or accomplish it all. But we push ahead full throttle and make things happen.
I’m just plain tired of pushing anything and making stuff go where it doesn’t naturally belong. I am tired of seeing my own way come to fruition, then being completely caught off guard when I realize how unfulfilling it is. I’m tired of pretending I am in control of anything.
God can have it all.
Bible Journaling Psalm 119
One of my favorite scriptures I learned from an Amy Grant song. I used to babysit a trio of siblings as a teen and play this album over and over. There have been times when I have chosen to cling to this verse. It has provided life-blood for me in ways I can only touch the surface of.
The words of the song ring true to the scripture. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” If I really think about the words, I can apply them to nearly every life circumstance.
Bible Journaling Journey Genesis 2
This week’s Bible Journaling comes from Genesis, chapter 2.
The beginning is the place in scripture where everything happens which brings us to today. This particular book addresses the Garden of Eden, a cherished place in my heart which I hope to see one day. Being a “plant” person, I can only imagine its beauty. Of course, the serpent didn’t want Adam and Eve to enjoy it- he was missing out on a lot already. His relationship with God was tarnished- he needed to feel important, in control and worked very hard to manipulate these first two humans.
Much like today, the serpent slithered his way into their minds and hearts, convincing these first people God didn’t actually mean what he said. He manipulated the use of emotion to change their thinking. He made them think they could have something God was withholding from them, and they deserved it all.