the woman at the well
I am the woman at the well. Its true. I am her. I know what you are thinking.
1-you have only been married once
2-you are still married to the first
3-your well is electric
4-how can you even compare your life with hers
Here are all the answers:
1- I have been married only once, to a fabulous man ( not perfect, but perfect for me). He takes care of me, our children and our family. He meets all of my needs, and sometimes can read my mind. he keeps me grounded and safe.
2-We have been married for almost 21 years, with no issues of infidelity or otherwise. We have an honesty policy, even if the truth hurts. We are in everything together or not at all, with God leading us all the way.
3-Its a good thing I don’t have to carry water any further than the barn- I am a huge wimp and carrying heavy things long distances wears on me.
4-I cannot compare my physical life with hers- no comparison.
She had been married and remarried.
She was living in sin with a man who wasn’t her husband.
She was not welcome at the well with the other women who were more “appropriate” than her.
There it is.
She didn’t feel welcome.
Jesus took her to his heart anyway.
Found one.
She did not understand what living water meant when He said it to her.
There it is again.
She was not “pure” or “clean”
There it is again-imperfection.
She was not included in the daily lives of the other women, because she was different.
I spend a lot of time alone, feeling rejected.
She was not looking for Him, because she didn’t know yet how he could change her heart.
Seriously significant- eye opening realization of who Christ is.
She had to learn about redemption the hard way.
DING DING…we have a winner.
I have learned everything the hard way.
Thank God He provides a soft landing.
The woman at the well is a fascinating story to me every time I read it. She is such an amazing example of how we receive gifts we weren’t looking for, when we think we are undeserving. It is also the greatest example of how not to be as a woman. Regardless of my differences with others, nothing I do should ever lead another woman to feel like she is less than I am. Christ see’s us all the same, and so should I.
Am I not the woman at the well?
That Jesus himself would save me, because He sees me as I am, not as I used to be?
Am I not the woman at the well?
Given the chance at eternity, no matter what the cost to Him?
Knowing my downfalls, my shortcomings, my everything?
Yet still He died for me, for her.
Because we are redeemed, I have nothing to fear.
*journal entry 7-7-13
Pray for yourself today- then pray for me.
In The Garden
These ladies have really given me inspiration and hope when I have needed it and I appreciate them, even though they have no clue who I am.
I will be speaking more on this topic, as I learn who I am and apply there verses to my life- for now – I want you to go read this passage of scripture and see where it applies to you. Id love to hear those stories also…feel free to comment me on them!
Have a great day!
WOW the sky is blue today……
And tomorrow it will be as well…
Welcome to yet another VGNO-
where the cocktails flow anyway you like them, and the blogs are EXCEPTIONAL!
I am so excited about this little heart shaped rock traveling all around!
I will check my mailbox everyday with anticipation….Going to be fun to see where it gets to go!
This weekend is very special for us, as it is our 17th wedding anniversary!
We aren’t very organized this year- its 320 and we still don’t have a plan yet….LOL
We like Amish Country- Ohio has the largest Amish settlement in the world..and they have the BEST shopping, food, and QUIET TIME you can ever find 🙂
And we like to camp, but we have been a little under the weather…
Truth is, we dont care, as long as we have some quiet time with each other. No cell phones no kids no drama.
And did I mention I love the love of my life with all of my heart? And I cannot wait for him to come home from work so we can go!
So after 17 years, what are my words of wisdom?
*dont fight about money- it doesnt create any extra…
*dont go to bed angry
*If you accidentally fall asleep angry, have good make up time
( i will leave that to your imagination)
* do not ever takes sides where children are involved
*pray everyday for one another
* lock your spouses debit card in a drawer ( ha ha long story)
* be affectionate in front of your kids- they need to know love
*know the difference between a kiss and a peck
I have more but I need to pack I think?!
This week I helped my daughter Morgan start a blog. It concerns a challenge dear to her heart, and I am hoping all of you will visit! She needs encouragement with her task, so please leave her a comment!
I appreciate it so much!
You can link to her HERE
She is an awesome girl with a huge heart!
I am trying to grow my blog as well, and if any of you have any suggestions you havent already sent me, please feel free.
( i know use spell check) 🙂
Have a great VGNO and Im hoping to have some FANTASTIC PICS of our weekend for you next time!
She is taking horseback riding lessons for the heck of it..and she looks like a natural on the horse!
I have to say Cora is very special to me…she is my first niece on either side of the family, and her sense of humor is amazing! She spends time rooting for the OSU BUCKEYES, and time with us .
She also likes to shoot guns and hunt and fish , and she is very good at it!
She is not your typical girls, and I’m glad.
Have you ever been placed in a position where you were waiting for something good to happen,because only faith and waiting could make it so? Or maybe you are a “go-getter” and patience is a virtue you havent been lessoned on yet? Or maybe you are tired of “fighting the good fight” because inside you are so messed up you just want to sleep. Because when you sleep God offers you a bit of peace you do not experience when you are awake.
Im there. Beyond the breaking point, with finances, relationships, family, all of it. So where do I begin to re-construct my life, and how do I decide what to keep and what to dispose of? Is there a magical scripture that will point me the way? Being overwhelmed in the heart is really consuming on a mothers soul. It aches 24 hours a day. Wanting what is best, and knowing how to accomplish it- 2 totally different things.
I havent spent enough time in my garden. (my garden is real, where I go to the proverbial one) I need a good solid day, in the dirt, on my hands and knees,to weed things out. To cry or perhaps pray. Or maybe to just listen. What, O Lord , is it that you want for me? I know what you want from me, but I do not know what I am intended to DO. What do I do? I cannot falter – there are people depending on me. Husband, children., parents, friends. How do I know if I am to turn left or right? How do I know if I am to walk or run?
Please Lord. I need some instruction, guidance, help. I need something I can only get from you. Since I was a child, i have felt your hand upon my heart,never knowing quite what to do with it. Now my heart is heavy and burdened.
I need redemption.
My Tink
This is by far the hardest post I have ever written. I am so heartbroken I cannot even describe how much my soul just aches.
Yesterday, while I was working at my desk my daughter came running into the house to tell me something was wrong with Tinkerbell, my 18 month old St Bernard. I went outside, because she has a habit of getting tangled up in everything, so I figured I was going to untangle her and bring her in for a bit.
I was so wrong. She was having seizures i think, and in between she was falling over. I was out of my mind. My sons and my daughter helped me lug her to the house, where we held her while my oldest got the car. There was just no time. She just kept looking at me, and her breathing finally slowed until she took was one last deep breath and that was it. She died in our arms.
Now I know a lot of people would say she was just a dog, but let me take you back. I turned 34 in Feb of 08- my hubby surprised me with my very first dog of my own- Tinkerbell- at a mere 23 lbs, we knew she would be big, but she was exactly what I wanted. I trained her. She didn’t pee in the house much after she was trained. She never jumped on anyone. She liked to get in my bed when John was at work, and she was a great watchdog. She was still a puppy even up to yesterday. I had plans to get her fixed and obedience school in the fall. She was like having another child for me.
So now I sit here and think of all the funny things she did- like when she sits on the furniture like a person….like in the top pic.
When she would run to the neighbors to jump in their pond, then come home and look for John so she could shake off. When my youngest would try to walk her- instead getting drug by her. When Morgan would get the drool from her shaking all over her clothes when she’d come down the stairs. And I keep thinking about her and Lady , our golden retriever, who keeps walking around looking for her. All day today and all night last night.
I feel like I got in to a nightmare and can’t wake up.Its all a fog today. And Im missing her big feet terribly.
And her overly drooly face.
And her big tail knocking everything off of everything.
I think after the sleeples night I had last night, id give anything to have Tink back in my house , because her being in the way was a huge blessing for us all.
farm life…i love it!!
I have to admit- I love living in the country where the dew falls as heavy as rain and the bean field is soo quiet, swaying in the breeze…..
This is my little dainty pretty puppy Tinkerbell. She is soooo still a puppy- she weighs almost as much as I do- but she is a puppy just the same. And a pretty good guard dog- no on likes for her to get too close- she is all drooly…..
Very funny.
Love it when people overstay their visit…really…I just let her run in the house and they “have to go”
I really do love our farm life- we have learned so much about each other and ourselves.
And now as I write this I wonder if it will ever stop storming….