Tag: family
Memorial Day 2021
Hasn’t the last 18 months or so just been weird? Isn’t it time for something that feels normal? This long weekend celebrating, remembering, and honoring our men and women who brought us to this place is well earned. …
28 years
So many things have happened. 28 years of marriage today. Official empty nesters. Grandchildren. 2020. Let the weirdness of life move forward. Reflecting over coffee this morning, I realized there is no way to properly or accurately count …
Letter to Friends of the Grieving
Letter to Friends of the Grieving. Dear Friends, How are you today? I am holding my own. This morning I woke up and showered. I managed to fill my day with a to-do list which keeps me busy. …
Surprising New Grief
Christmas trees, lights, and music. The magic of dark starry nights crisp on the edge of winter. Quiet drives to church or dinner. Holding my husbands’ hand while we watch our favorite movie over and over again. Coffee …

The Servant Spouse
You might be a servnt spouse and it’s gonna be ok. I actually have good news and bad news. The good news is YAY! You’re serving in your church in some capacity and this is awesome. Give yourself …
Keep Holding Out For Hope
I am the mother of four adult children. It’s mind-blowing, to say the least. I have days when I shake my head in disbelief. These grown people have jobs, kids, and dogs. They rent homes, buy cars and …

Christmas Joy and a New Year
Christmas Joy. What does it mean to you? For me, Christmas Joy is focused on gifts, but maybe not in a traditional sense. I am a person who takes very seriously the choosing and giving of gifts. I …

The Family Tree of Christ
Advent It means “coming.” Ann Voskamp writes in the introduction, “When you open the pages of Scripture to read of His coming, of this first Advent before you ever read of the birth of Jesus, you always have …
Reasons to Love My Adult Kids
Our adult children look at us with question. They shake their heads and smile. They laugh at us. They sometimes make fun of us. Above all else, they don’t understand one vital aspect of our life together. We …

Marriage Therapy: Building a Family Table
Remember when I shared my husband and I refurbishing a vintage camper? Doing projects together is no joke. It sometimes puts both of you in awkward situations. It makes you learn new skills and problem solve together. Maybe …