Tag: Holy Spirit
Thanksgiving 2020
It’s early on this Thanksgiving morning. The boys are arriving at the woods for the annual pheasant hunt. My mom is probably rolling out of bed with a million things on her to-do list. I’m already 2 cups …
Christ Alone, Cornerstone
Isn’t this a breath of fresh air? It should be because we know he is coming for us. This is my everything, all I need somedays. It’s a good thing too because sometimes it’s all I have both …

The Things No one Warned Me About: Setting Boundaries
Occasionally in our adult lives, we must set some boundaries. While there are many reasons to take such action, there are a few to stick with no matter the immediate cost. We started setting boundaries at the very …

Stephen: His Last Moments
I want to spend a moment talking about Stephen. I am always blown away when I re-read scripture. How many things I learn. Stephen and his story are so amazing. He was such a humble, yet fierce man. …
Where You Stand
Don’t you hate it when people ask where you stand? On politics, social issues or normal everyday things? It seems everywhere we turn, someone wants to know where we stand. On politics, social issues or normal everyday things? …
Eternal Perspective or Devils Advocate?
Is our perspective eternal? In the grand scheme of things, every decision we make has a purpose- an end goal. If, as humans, we are just floating around on this earth bumping into one another, acquiring things for …
How the River of Your Spirit Flows
How deep and wide does your spiritual walk go? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Do you notice your journey doesn’t get shorter? It just expands in width and length. As your spiritual life grows, so do …
Friendships with Non Christians
There are many Scriptures which refer to how to be a friend and Gods expectations for us in our friendships. Lucky for us there are also very clear instructions on what not to do. Most of these things …