Tag: joy

Nov. 9 Ephesians 19-20

Nov. 8 Ephesians 1:16

You Deserve to Be Still

We don’t teach self care and time management to our girls as we should. No one taught me. All I saw as a young adult were women constantly in a state of movement. Doing things for others and …

Refrigerator Status

As a young adult I liked to hang things on my fridge. Important papers, artwork from the kids but especially photos that were important to me. The selfies of myself and a close friend I used as a …

Christmas Joy Unexpected

So many things at Christmas soak up our time. Christmas parties, shopping, extra church events, special dinners and going to see lights. We get so wrapped up in so many busy things, when do we take time to …

Early Advent Reflections

As Advent gets underway, I have had some time to reflect on this season of the “in-between”. I am discovering each day in my quiet time exactly what Advent means for me as a Daughter of the King, …

My Own Heart-Abundance

“Decisive Givenness” is the title of the first devotion in the Ann Voskamp devotional, “The Way of Abundance”. The accompanying scripture hits me in a new way. “Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us …

I know Who I am

I saw the upstairs of my house for the first time in almost 2 weeks. It was a huge relief to know the mess I created before my knee surgery is still there, waiting for me to recover …

Set Apart

I have always been afraid to pray for certain things, knowing how God moves and answers prayer. For example, when I prayed for patience, I was met with circumstances that taught me copious amounts of patience. While I …