Tag: joy


Embrace anyone & everyone

I sat in the front of the church, alone in my pew. (Yes, we still have those) My husband with the voice was on the stage singing his soul out to God as part of the worship team. …


On November 1, 2021, I set up my Christmas tree with its twinkling led lights. I sat down on the couch in the dark, with a cup of coffee, a fuzzy blanket, and a book. For a few …

Cling to the Cross

I placed an order recently for a few things to change up my Christmas preparation routine. When I received the package, I had no idea how much it would change my perception and perspective of a commonly said …

Hold On, Look Up

The God of the universe sees you. He literally, figuratively, and completely sees you. He sees your pain, your frustration, and your heartache. He sees your guilt, your regret, and your somber self-loathing. Most of all, he sees …

Jesus is Coming Soon

I read it on my social media page. Big blue letters. Jesus is coming soon.I think this statement is relative for me because when is “soon”? Not soon enough. When I say this it makes me feel almost …

The Dirty Truth about…Truth

Who can tell me what the truth is? Come on- don’t be shy- raise your hand. Tell me the truth. I think Jack Nicholson said it best when he said, “You can’t handle the truth!” True story, as …


How Fearful do we have to be to forget about being Faithful? The observations and personal experiences I’ve had tell me I don’t have to be extremely fearful to have a momentary lapse in judgment and forget my …

1 Chronicles 16:35

Fact -vs-Faith

In a world where nothing makes sense, yet we are expected to make decisions in a flash, where do our tendencies seem to lean? Do we make decisions based on Facts or Faith? Where is the middle? So, …