Tag: joy

Thankful Thinking

It was raining cats and dogs and hippos out there. We had a flood warning for days. There were multiple accidents on the radio, thankfully none of them impeding my journey to work. I arrived safe, dry and …

Piety, Religion and Reverence

During the last semester of my college experience, I took a required Philosophy class. In this class, I was finally able to put words together to define what holiness means to me. In discussing St. Augustine’s  The Confessions, …

Humbled to be your momma

Adult Kids. Tricky business at best. When your kids are little, all you can think about somedays is surviving. There were days I would be counting down the day by the activity. Dinner, bath, snack, story, and bedtime. …

Thanksgiving is Eucharisteo

Chara means joy Charis means grace Eucharisteo means gave thanks One root word, building on another, building on another Chara. Charis. Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving from grace from joy. Joy becomes grace which becomes thanksgiving. All translations of root words …