Tag: serving

The Servant Spouse
You might be a servnt spouse and it’s gonna be ok. I actually have good news and bad news. The good news is YAY! You’re serving in your church in some capacity and this is awesome. Give yourself …

Left at Home
Are you familiar with the term “church widow?” For those of you who know exactly what I am talking about, I am not sure if I should apologize or applaud. Allow me to explain to those who may …
A Stressless Best Yes
As we enter a new year we get to decide about our commitments. Then you see her coming- the person who schedules everything at church, work or school. No matter what you do, she eventually corners you for …

What if Candy Hearts Meant Something?
Love is a lot of things. Mostly, love is a verb. It’s an action which takes many forms. Jesus didn’t love standing still. I can’t do it either. When I think of love, it’s something someone does for …
To Lift My Hands
I sit on the floor and weep. I just don’t understand why I can’t reach up with my hands. What is it that keeps me standing with them at my side, heavy and unmoving? Why do I find …