Tag: thankful

I Thessalonians 5:13

I Chronicles 29:13

I Chronicles 16:34

I Chronicles 16:35

Keep Holding Out For Hope

I am the mother of four adult children. It’s mind-blowing, to say the least. I have days when I shake my head in disbelief. These grown people have jobs, kids, and dogs. They rent homes, buy cars and …

Thankful Thinking

It was raining cats and dogs and hippos out there. We had a flood warning for days. There were multiple accidents on the radio, thankfully none of them impeding my journey to work. I arrived safe, dry and …

Twas the Week Before Christmas: A Tribute

T’was the week before Christmas, when all through the house, All the creatures were stirring, even that dang mouse! The stockings were sitting on top of a box, Mom gave up trying to hang them, She was busy …