Thanksgiving is Eucharisteo
Chara means joyCharis means grace
Eucharisteo means gave thanks
One root word, building on another, building on another
Chara. Charis. Eucharisteo.
Thanksgiving from grace from joy.
Joy becomes grace which becomes thanksgiving.
All translations of root words from the Greek language.
Simple, honest, and true, these words.
Thanksgiving this week is about more than a beautiful table, a full plate, and a nap afterward. It’s about more than being thankful for the people and things and experiences that surround us. It’s about being thankful for the eternity that comes with Joy, Grace, & Thanksgiving.
Eternity is not something many ponder during Thanksgiving. Mostly, I assume, because to attain it, someone must die a physical death and leave us. Let’s take a moment to wait, breathe and fully understand about this amazing gift.
In that moment, all those broken pieces of life as a human are put back together. The places where we left pieces of our heart are gathered up, bit by bit. The moments we held and cherished are molded into us forever. The fragments of sin and sorrow are tossed aside and spun into gold-like threads, making us anew, and stitching us back together to be whole, just like He promised.
We become forever.
The promises that come from Christ through Thanksgiving, Grace and Joy are forever promises. As children of the Living God, they are pinky-promises of love, commitment, and sacrifice. They are made with the intention of making us whole again, after the brokenness this world has provided.
For some of us, giving thanks around the table may be a struggle this year. It is hard to be thankful in some moments when the brokenness is so loud and the sorrow is so prominent. Holding on to something as old as time provides wisdom to celebrate despite these things.
Jesus was more than a man. He is our Savior. He provides us peace and hope when we need it most. He provided us the ability to be redeemed. Through Him, we can have forever.
These are my prayers this week for us all.