When My Hope Outshines the Sun




This morning my favorite pen flows quickly, leaving my words illegible. The thoughts which awakened me are more than my racing hand can write. Today I am reminded there is always hope for redemption. There is always healing, whether in this world or the next. The reason I know this?


The faith I have been clinging to brought this entire world into perspective, as I lay there listening for the alarm go off. Another day of wondering if my plans will stick. I have doctor appointments for myself. There are a lot of things to be done at home before winter. Most importantly, a visit with my parents who just need rest. I walk outside in the dark.

In the morning when the sun rises, I am always reminded of the promises made to me before I was born. The promise of a plan for my life, for my future. A promise which requires little from me, aside from faith and obedience. At my age, some days’ faith is all I have. I sit, and I pray for peace.

Peaceful redemption washes over me as I rest in His hands. I lay my thoughts and worries alongside my hopes and dreams. I long for simplicity and for the clutter in my life to be resolved. I listen to the quiet as the morning sun bursts over the horizon, fresh, bright and knowing. The little warmth it provides this time of year also represents hope. It teases my skin, reminding me of warmer days, and the long winter ahead of me.

I look forward to each change in seasons like I look forward to the next thing life should offer me. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to heaven. Watching someone struggle with living every day offers a new perspective. This eternal perspective is part of my faith and hope in whatever future God has in store.

It starts to rain, soft sounds at first, then building to a downpour, just before the sun slips out of view.

Tomorrow I will stand out here again, and revel once again in the simple promises I have overlooked for so long. I love it when I feel my hope outshines the sun.

One Comment on “When My Hope Outshines the Sun

  1. Angie, this is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing some of your thoughts with us. Sunrises are one of the great displays of hope!